Giardina Group and Destefani at Xylexpo 2022: great satisfaction

The twenty-seventh edition of Xylexpo, which took place from 12 to 15 October last, proved to be full of satisfaction for Giardina Group, the group from Figino Serenza (Como) specialized in painting and finishing solutions. It was a dense and intense four-day event that showcased the latest “made in Giardina Group” technologies and saw an important return of public and strong interest in the technologies presented at the fair: the new Rolltech Flexi coating machine and the Dualtech Forma automatic spraying machine, born from the collaboration with Pininfarina.

The Xylexpo that has just ended,” commented Stefano Mauri, co-owner of Giardina Group together with his brother Riccardo, in the aftermath of the fair, “was an excellent edition for us. It was a pleasure to be able to exhibit again in Milan, in a Xylexpo that we feel is ‘ours’, full of visitors, and where we were able to present our latest innovations“.

We immediately encountered great interest in our two latest products, the Rolltech Flexi, a truly innovative coating machine, and the Dualtech Forma, the automatic two-arm sprayer that attracted the attention and curiosity of visitors,” he continued.

Across-the-board interest also registered by Destefani. “The turnout at this edition was beyond expectations,” commented Alessio De Stefani, technical sales manager of the well-known brand specialized in sanding solutions. “It was an excellent opportunity to showcase the best of our edge and profile sanding technology. Especially during the first two days, we noticed a strong interest and an excellent turnout. We are satisfied“.

It was indeed a very positive event that allowed us to lay the foundations for the near future“, concluded Stefano Mauri.

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