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Positive outlook in Brazil

Brazil, which has always been one of the most interesting markets for Giardina Group, is certainly a “target country” in the group’s commercial strategies. And it was a pleasant surprise to see the great interest that exists in the South American country also for the most advanced painting technologies.

A figure confirmed in these days, for the first open house of Giardina Group in Brazil, which takes place from 30 August to 10 September, created in collaboration with Spido Import Export Ltda, a commercial partner for the whole Brazilian territory based in Caxias do Sul.

For the entire duration of the event, technicians and entrepreneurs from different countries were able to see the effectiveness and quality of the result guaranteed by the new „Dualtech 420„, the oscillating two-arm sprayer that allows to reach good production levels, a technological investment that allows also to small and medium-sized companies to approach the problems of painting with an artisanal quality but an absolutely industrial philosophy.

A bet that many Brazilian companies are about to make, demonstrating the new „technological maturity“ that the world of wood-furniture (but not only) has also reached in this part of the American continent

The appointment is only the first of a series of events scheduled for 2022, during which the Spido technicians – each time supported by specialists who have come specifically from Italy – will show the different technologies „made in Giardina Group“, in one showroom in which new machines will soon be installed, including solutions for conventional and UV drying and some sanders and polishers from the Destefani range.

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