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“Our long-lasting and excellent partnership with Giardina Group…”, Alessandro Simonella, co-owner of Ve.La

This interview with Alessandro Simonella, co-owner of Ve.La, the Annone Veneto (Venice) company specialized in the production of semi-finished products and components for furniture.
An opportunity to see the automatic spray line for furniture and kitchen components made by Giardina Group at work.

Click here to watch it at work!

The new automatic spray line for kitchens and furniture realized by Giardina Group in Ve.La, the Annone Veneto (Venice) company specialized in the production of furniture components. Composing the line are a « Cleantech G02/20 » upper panel dusting machine, a « Dualtech 600 » two-arm automatic spraying machine and a « Vertech GVC » four-chamber vertical oven.

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